Pre built stack oct/pct

  • anonymous6777
    Pre built stack oct/pct
    on: 2015-08-09 00:08:45
    I just got the 8week beginners cut cycle and need to know if I should buy any other Oct and what pct is recommended for this stack.... This is my first cycle ever
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Pre built stack oct/pct
    on: 2015-08-14 03:19:38

    Ok I went over and checked the cycle out, Looks like it contains the following plan. 

    Cycle length and layout:
    Length 8 weeks
    Weeks 1-8 100 mg GP Test Prop every other day.
    Weeks 3-8 40 mg GP Stan 10 per day.
    Weeks 1-8 GP Anastrozole .5 mg per day (continued for at least 10 days after cycle.)

    This is a beginner cut cycle, but I'll warn you, prop can be rough when you have never injected oil based steroids. But I do know some tough dudes that have used prop from the start and sucked it up. Then again, I've known others that couldn't handle the pain and had to stop a after a few shots. The safe bet is to start gear using long acting test, which still can be very painful to virgin muscle, but is much easier to handle in most cases.

    Anyway, possible pain, it's a great little cycle. I would use Fish oil, around 3g, to help with fat loss and help cholesterol. I would also take something for liver health. NAC around 1-2g is a good dose. You can run this through the whole cycle or start with your winstrol and continue through PCT. For PCT, I would suggest Clomid at 100mg ED for 7 days, starting about 4 days after your last shot. Then reduce to 50mg and continue on that dose for 14 days.