Masters cycle hcg advice

  • anonymous331
    Masters cycle hcg advice
    on: 2015-08-13 14:45:22
    So, I bought the masters pre designed cycle. And th basic pct protocol from the pre designed stack section. Also an anti estrogen. But I was planning to modify this cycle to instead of 1ml eod of tren a, to change it to 1ml of tren a ed. My question is, I will be taking hcg, but should I stick to what the masters cycle recommends ( 500 iu hcg every third day for 4 weeks, weeks 6-10) or should I go with what I'm hearing from you on this message board and pin 500 iu hcg 2 times a week up untill pct.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Masters cycle hcg advice
    on: 2015-08-24 04:00:30

    Everyone seems to respond a little differently. There is no exact science to it. I have a couple guys that take 500iu HCG every 3 days and any less doesn't seem to keep their testes at full size. I know another guy that is good with 250iu 2x wk. But no one I work with is currently using more than 500iu 2x wk. Just based on my expereince with others, I think you'll be fine with 500iu every 4 days.