Ok, so steroids are not going to really help with fat loss. They are mainly for muscle growth and muscle retention while dieting. Diet is going to be key to get her where she wants to be. I've known a number of females that have gotten into fitness after having kids, and now look their best ever, in their 40s! So please, let her know there is hope, if she is willing to put the work in.
If her diet and cardio are on point, a fat burner will add to her program, speeding her progress up. Clen is a great fat burner and non-steroid based, so she will not have to worry about the side effects that can go along with gear use, such as facial hair and other unwanted sides.
I would suggest that she starts at 20mcg Every day, taken in the monring. Then every 2 wks, I would add 20mcg to the dose. I would go no higher than 80-100mcg, for a total of no longer than 12 weeks of total use. When she is done, there is no need for PCT