Fat loss and muscle gain is going to come down to diet and cardio. Your gear shouldn't get in the way of an average physical job. You can run anywhere from 1cc EW to 2cc EW of your sust. Then about .5mg adex taken EOD is a good place to start. You can kick start your cycle with the var for the first 4-6 wks at 40-60mg, or in the last 4-6 wks, if you are trying to cut down and want to look your driest at the end. You can add your proviron for the last 35 days at 1 tab per day to look harder and bind to SHBG, freeing up your test. I'd keep the cycle to around 12 wks total and make sure that you run a PCT of clomid after. I didn't see any mention of that. I would suggest it though