hgh/slin/ test

  • anonymous486
    hgh/slin/ test
    on: 2015-09-03 13:03:46
    thank you brother for the crazy amount of info you provide on this site , i m doing my first national show next year , and i m going on a nice off season for at least 4 months , i just ordered my compounds ( 200ius hgh hyge ( gonna order more ) , test e 250 , test p 100, deca 300, tren E 100 , dbol 50 , insulin ( humalin R ) , adex ) ( i have plenty to do 3 cycles) and i would like to know what would be good way to run these compounds to maximize size ? ( a basic ptotocol , or just little layout )
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: hgh/slin/ test
    on: 2015-09-21 03:41:27

    Hey brother, best of luck with your off season, leading into your first national show. Its going to be hard to lay out an entire off season plan, all in one message, so let me see what I can convey here and if you have some specific questions I don't cover, come on back and ask them. 

    So for starters, I would personally leave the prop and tren out. Regarding the test, I prefer long esters for mass phases. Test e is fine. I prefer GP Sust270. If you have about 4 months, a classic Test/Deca/Dbol plan is going to help you make some good progress. Just remember that the real key is going to be your diet. Make this time count and come in bigger next year! A lot of guys lose the drive in the long winter off season months, when the show seems far away. But remember, every day counts. So make sure your diet is tuned in and that you are making optimal progress each week. Go into the contest prep knowing that you gave your all. Oh, and don't get hurt. Thats also important haha. 

    So doses on this cycle are going to depend on how you have dosed gear in the past. If you have not run many cycles, something like 500mg Test, 450mg deca for 12-16 wks. 50mg dbol for the first 4-6 wks. For a guy that has run a number of cycles in the range of 1g total hormones, you could push a little harder. Something like 750mg test, 600 deca for 12-16 wks. 50mg dbol for the first 4-6 wks. 

    There are a few reasons I want to hold off on tren. I find that the more often you use a drug, the less effective it can be. So you're going to hit the gear hard now and then no doubt, you will want to run tren for your prep. I would much rather pick tren for your contest diet. And deca will be better for mass moving, weight gain. And I think that deca will be a little safer for your health, than running tren for 2 cycles in a row. 

    As for the peptides, these are going to also depend on many factors. GH will help you stay leaner while using insulin. Insulin can be a nightmare for endos. The main person that will benefit from insulin use is going to be the hard gainer ecto body type. For this person, I might start insulin preworkout, as long as it isn't too late at night. You want to be able to continue feeding lin R for about 6 hours after you take it. That means you dont want to go to sleep. I would start low, like 3-4iu and make sure that you are using enough carbs to cover insulin. Then I would use an intra workout carb/amino shake. And of course, follow that up with a meal containing carbs post workout. This is all vague sounding, I understand. But its all going to come down to how much insulin your body type can handle, what your response is to carbs, ect. Its very hard for me to speak generally, without knowing more about you, seeing your physique and seeing what your diet looks like. 

    With the GH, it depends on how much you can afford to use. That being said, don't be fooled into believing that you NEED 10 iu to make magic gains. If you don't see magic at 4iu, you probably won't see magic at 10iu. At least not the amount you would like to see. There are very rare genetic responders to GH, but most are not. This may sound depressing to some, that GH isn't a magic secrect key to IFBB sized gains, but I see it as liberating. What I'm saying is, you don't need huge doses to get an effect from it. So this means more people can afford to use it. Even if you can afford 2-3iu, you will see some results. If you can afford 4-5iu, that would be a good strong dose for most people. Especially with Hyge. They are stornger. The 10iu vails have tested out as 13iu. I would split 4-5iu up, into about 2 doses a day. I think that smaller doses more often have proven to be more effective than larger doses at once. I break it down even further in a contest diet. But for off season, I like 2 shots. 1 in the morning, and 1 in the afternoon or early evening, ideally taking the second dose preworkout. 

    If you are interested in working 1 on 1 with me on your off season, I'm confident I can tell you so much more than I can squeeze into this 1/2 hour reply. I do hope this all helps bro. I only wish I could say more here. It's just a matter of how much time I can spend on each question haha. I'm really bad at time mgmt with these questions because I always want to add one more thought. Then one more thought. So sorry if it's a little all over the place, but I do hope it helps! So anyway, if you or anyone else is interested in working one on one, message me over at the Next Level Nutrition page, here at Naps Gear!!