
  • Badstone
    on: 2015-09-08 19:36:35
    I compete in the NPC and never win. 4th is the highest I have placed. So im gonna try insulin. I want to use Humalog what are you thoughts on which insulin to use?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Insulin
    on: 2015-09-23 16:30:52

    First of all, remember that how good you are is never based on your placing. Don't let placings determine how you feel about yourself and about your progress. I can relate to what you mean though. It would be nice to WIN! It's always nice to win. So much of what makes a winner at the state level, comes down to conditioning and presentation. No matter what your genetics are, these are 2 things you can control. If you take 2 guys with equal conditioning, the bigger guy will probably win if he knows how to present his package. So size does play a role, but a much smaller guy will most often beat a bigger guy, if he is more ripped. So always make sure your conditioning is better than anyone elses. If you do that, your day will come. This means, don't get overly fat in the off season. The main limiting factor while dieting is time. You only have X weeks to lose fat. You can only lose so much fat a week without risking muscle loss, so make sure that you start your diet in a good position. The leaner you are to start, the leaner you will be in the end. 

    So that being said, insulin can make a lot of guys really fat, quickly. The guys that make the best use of it are ectos that have a hard time gaining size. A true ecto is going to have a hard time getting fat, no matter what he does. Humalog is a good place to start. The active life is short and it is easy to manage. You'll want to consume 10g of carbs per IU of inslun and you will want to start out very low. I'd start with 4iu and build. I personally think the best time to use insulin is preworkout. I would eat your high carb meal, using enough carbs to cover your insulin, about 1 hour before training. Then 15 min before training, take your insulin. Then consume a carb/EAA drink while training. I prefer HBCD for my carb source. For 4iu, I would use at least 40-50 carbs in the solid meal. Then I would use another 40 carbs in my intra shake. Right after training, I would have some whey and within 30-45 min, begin eating a solid food meal, rich in carbs. As you increase the insulin, going up to 10-12iu, you will also need to increase carbs. Always have some simple sugar on hand in case you still go hypo. 

    If you use your insulin with GH, the GH will help you to stay lean, even if the dose is lower, 2-3iu. 

    And if you are interest, I would be happy to take a look at your program and your current level of development, to see if I believe my services would be worth your time, money and energy. I have helped many guys improve their placings and bring more polished physiques to the stage. If you or anyone else is interest, drop me a message over at the Next Level Nutrition page, here at Naps Gear.