Ok, here is the lay out of that plan
Based off of your expereince, the doses look good for you. For the oral, I would personally suggest Dbol over the drol. Side effects are lower and well, Dbol is just a great "feel good"steroid. I love my time on Dbol. Gains are good. Strength is awesome. My sense of well being goes up. With drol, strength is maybe a little better than dbol and you may gain more water weight, but really, I don't think those advantages are worth it. So my suggest would be to run that plan, but instead of the oxy, I'd opt for 40mg Dbol every day for the first 6 wks
Cycle Length: 12 weeks
Cycle Layout:
Weeks 1-12 750 mg GP Test Enathate per week
Weeks 1-12 500 mg GP Deca per week
Weeks 1-4 50mg GP Oxy per day
Weeks 1-12 12.5 mg GP Exemestane per day