Hgh timing pre show and post show

  • ukbff
    Hgh timing pre show and post show
    on: 2015-10-19 13:24:20
    Hey brother,many thanks for your answers!Im running yellow hyges atm 6iu ed show is in 4weeks,obviously my goal keep muscle and lose fat.My protocol looks like that: 5am 2iu 6am cardio,7am meal. 6.30pm 2iu-7.45pm gym. Last 2iu before bed sub q. How is it looking? And for next year phase ill have 8iu how would you put for growth?Many thanks again.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Hgh timing pre show and post show
    on: 2015-10-31 02:13:23

    Nice, I like the basic set up you have here. I would probably inject my pre workout GH closer to training, but no worries. I'm sure this is fine. Also, yes, I'd do IM for morning and evening shots, then pre bed, sub q is good. Smart man. If you are looking good and dry/tight, you can run it right into the show. If you are looking a little loose still, at 2 wks out, I would cut the growth out. Some need to. Some do not. It can help you maintain fullness and is great for countering the flat look from hard dieting and T3, but if you are holding a good deal of sub q fluid, getting rid of that is more important. 

    If you want to add more GH after the show, I would add in a mid afternoon shot half way between the first and second shots. I prefer to continue splitting gh up, on or off season. I feel that it works better this way, vs larger doses. If you did want to increase your current dosing schedule, from 6 to 8, I'd do 3 in the AM, 3 pre, then 2 before bed


    If you want to take peptides to the next level for mass gains, consider using insulin with your pre workout dose og GH. Maybe in the morning too after you understand it and as long as your body type doesn't make you just get crazy fat from it