Wife wants to Tone up and lose some fat

  • Squirrel72
    Wife wants to Tone up and lose some fat
    on: 2015-10-23 00:03:43
    My wife is very allergic to caffeine. What would be a good first cycle for her to lose some fat and tone up. She does not want to be muscle just nice. She is 5'8 140 had a kid so you know the issues there.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Wife wants to Tone up and lose some fat
    on: 2015-11-01 02:45:51

    First of all, diet is going to be #1 of course and don't be afraid of cardio! Any stims she takes is only going to help push things further in that direction. I'd be interested to know more about her allergy before making suggestions, but let me tell you some options and then you and her can look more into them. Clen is first. Next is yohimbine. Both work well alone or combine to work together even better. Clen, she would start at 20mcg and then add 20mcg every 2 wks, going up to about 80mcg at the highest and running clen for up to 10-12 wks in this fashoin. Then take a break. A few wks, in, she can try adding yohimbine HCL, starting at 2mg, then adding a couple more 2mg doses per day. 

    These 2 compounds will work great! 


    For you guys or anyone else interested, I write diet programs and work with people one on one for 12 wk programs, using regular check ins and regular communication. For anyone interested, hit me up at Next Level Nutrition, here at Naps Gear!