What can wife take allergy to caffeine

  • Squirrel72
    What can wife take allergy to caffeine
    on: 2015-11-11 21:33:23
    You wanted to know about her allergy and anything caffeine or caddies like would give her very bad migraines and sometimes hospital. So clen is I think out of the question due to the caffeine. Her diet is good and she does yoga with other exercises. Also something to help her sex drive. Like test and tren shoots my see drive through the roof need something like that for her. She rather do oral but injections at not out of the question.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: What can wife take allergy to caffeine
    on: 2015-12-18 13:36:46

    Ok, I can tell you that clen and caffeine are totally unrelated, so just because she has an allergy to caffeine, doesn't mean that clen would not work, but still, it would be hard for me to make a suggestion of clen, considering she has had issues with stims. Thats a shame, because there is nothing more amazing that caffeine to help push me through the day. Hell, now that you mention it, I'm going to go make some coffee right after I finish this response! 

    As for females and steroids, this can be a tricky one. She needs to be careful, as a lot of the things that work for you, will cause massive side effects for her. Anavar is a good bet. 5mg is plenty for her to start with, but before she considers it, she needs to look into possible side effects. This is a muscle building drug. It will add mass and increase strength. This is for short term use, like 6-8 wks. If she is simply interested in increased libido, she might want to talk to her Dr about female, low dose test patches. While she is there, it wouldn't hurt to get some lab work done to make sure that thyroid and everything else is optimal for fat loss. 


    Ok, time to pop in a K cup! 


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