How should I come off a steady 2yr cycle?and should I add hgh?

  • anonymous313
    How should I come off a steady 2yr cycle?and should I add hgh?
    on: 2015-11-15 18:24:37
    Hello, I've been running test for about 2yrs, my left nipple is puffy, how do I come off?or should I come off?Also I'm very swole about 240..5 foot 11,but I'm not ripped, should I add hgh?thanks!!
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: How should I come off a steady 2yr cycle?and should I add hgh?
    on: 2015-12-18 19:41:19

    You may need a long term PCT. I would start HCG at 500iu every 3 days and clomid 50mg ED for about 3 wks. Then drop the HCG and go another 4 wks on clomid alone. See how that goes and try to taper off the clomid from there. If you have not recovered, try again and at that point, look into

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