Halo is such a powerful drug. Effects and side effects can be high. For this reason, you only want to use it for a few weeks at a time. A normal cycle of it would be part of a bigger cutting plan that a bodybuilder used, coming into a show. He might add this in for the last 3 wks to get an extra chrisp look, but 3 wks of halo on its own will not do as much as a milder drug that can be run for longer. My suggestion would be to use a low dose of anavar. Start with 30 mg a day. See how that goes for a couple weeks. You should feel increased strength and performance. I would not think you needed more for these sports, but if you wanted to increase, you could try 40-50. Remember, more is not always better. Then run Var for a total of 6-8 wks tops. Do a PCT of Clomid starting the day after your last pill. 100mg for 7 days. Then 50mg for 14 days more. See how recovery goes. Give yourself 6-8 wks off to see how you feel. If you want to keep an eye on health, get labs done before the cycle and then again to compare before you start round 2.
A longer cycle like this will give your body more time to grow and hold on to the new gains. With halo, it may be stronger, but no matter how strong a drug is, you can only do so much in 3 wks