Sounds like a decent plan. Since you are new to Dbol, I would start around 30mg ED for this cycle. You will get plenty of results from it. I would run it for about the first 6 wks of the plan, 8 wks tops. Then from there, the EQ and Sust will be fully kicked in and you will continue to make good progress through the cycle. Since it is a longer cycle with more compounds, it really would not hurt to use some HCG through the last 6-8 wks of the cycle at 250iu every 3 days, right up to PCT. Oh and remember, estrogen can go higher when on Dbol, so you might need more adex while on Dbol, then reduce it a little a week after the dbol is done
For anyone interested working 1 on 1, I offer my coaching services here at Naps through the Next Level Nutrition page. Feel free to message me today and get started on a plan for the new year!