undercover cycle

  • anonymous602
    undercover cycle
    on: 2016-01-20 00:56:09
    Hey thanks for taking the time to answer this question. I'm gonna run your undercover cycle but was planning on running proviron with it. Running 50 mg aday for whole cycle.also was gonna run t3 with it slowly bringing doses up then tapering off at the end. What is your opinion on the extra gear added?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: undercover cycle
    on: 2016-02-21 16:39:41

    If you are attempting to gain muscle, I would not use the T3. T3 is responsible for increasing your metabolism and will burn more calories that could be used for muscle gain. It does not specifically target fat, to keep you lean. It just burns "more", period. So it will require you to eat even more to grow. Plus although T3 can be used safely, I wouldn't suggest using a drug in any plan that you don't need. It only increases the chance of side effects and poteinail issues. Prov is fine.