Gh can be run long term. You can use 2-4iu ED, or take it 5 days on, 2 off. Naps has some awesome GH. Hyge is great. I would alwyas go with those.
For AAS, you want to cycle it. At your age it would not hurt to get labs done first to see what your normal levels are. If you have low test, you can stay on HRT between cycles and not need to worry about recovery. Here is what a first cycle would look like for good muscle gains.
Test E or Cyp 500mg EW split into 2 doses
adex .5mg to 1mg EOD
Dbol 30mg ED
If you do PCT to regain natural function it would start 2 wks after last shot. clomid for 7 days at 100mg. Then 50mg ED for 14-21 more days