cut or bulk first cycle

  • dsf
    cut or bulk first cycle
    on: 2016-03-31 22:51:40
    hi im a big fan to the work you do and im always reading and researching everything that has to do with aas. my question to you is, im thinking of doing my first ever cycle. ive done 2 cycles of prohormones in the past very good no side effects at all. i was taking the right on cycle and pct for it. but now i wanna do my first of aas. and i know the best to start with is test e or cyp or even sus250 but im not sure whether to keep cutting which is what im doing now until i get where i want to be or bulk. im weighing about 186.4 lbs and 5'10 about 12-14% bf i think im fairly lean dropped from a bulk of 198 lbs with some bf on. but i want to get bigger above 210 lbs fairly lean with abs of course with nutrition. but bulking comes with its little bit of bf. so i cant decide to bulk or keep cutting with test? what do you suggest?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: cut or bulk first cycle
    on: 2016-04-16 05:43:25

    First off, I would not worry about the scale. Worry about the mirror. A Ripped 200 that looks like 240 and a fat 240 just looks bad! So just throw the numbers out and work on "Better" Always work to imporve the illusion. You could use some more size, sure, but you want to get there at a reasoablly lean condition. If you eat TONS of clean food, you can grow. The important thing to do, is figure out what is enough food to grow while not getting overly fat in the process. If you have it balasced right, you should be able to grow muscle while getting leaner, at least in the early stages. As you get leaner, it takes lower calories to keep getting tigher and because of this, muscle gains can slow or eventually stop when you are so lean, it takes even less to continue on. So I would work at finding that balamce. Your weight might not change dramatically while on gear, so use lots of progress pics. Thats what I do with all of my clients and myself. With how easy it is to take digital pics now days, you can easily shoot updates every week and compared them to the last set. Then when you do get down to 7-8%, you can ask the same question again, cut or bulk?