Age question

  • Lyone101
    Age question
    on: 2016-04-09 16:33:36
    I am 23. Do you think I should take Test E and Deca Durabolin? I want to reach my goal but I feel like it's taking forever.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Age question
    on: 2016-05-02 00:02:35

    First thing you need to make sure you have a solid diet. This is the foundation of making progress. 1-1.5g protein per lb of body weight. Then carbs and fats as needed. You want to have this in place before you start gear. Then when you are confident you have learned how to grow and make progress, taking steroids will help speed the process. I would leave the deca out for a first cycle. Its going to have more potential side effects and it's not worth it at this time. test e or cyp 500mg for 10-12 wks adex to control estrogen, plus if you want to kick start, try a light dose of an oral, anavar at 40mg for the first 4-6 wks would be a ligter steroid to start with. After teh cycle, do a complete PCT