side affects

  • wannabebig
    side affects
    on: 2016-04-24 00:39:19
    I did my first cycle last fall. I used the predesigned intermediate stack from this site. In reading your posts about PCT I figured an addition of Clomid would be beneficial. So 2 weeks after last shot I added 100 mg clomid for 7 days and then 50 mg for the next 14 days. While using .5 mg Anastrozole/day all the way through cycle up until 10 days after last shot. After I was done w/ all that, I got the worst back and shoulder acne I have ever seen. I want to do another cycle but I do not want to go through this acne again. What good does it do to get big if you cant take off your shirt? So my question is do you see anything that jumps out at you that I did to cause the acne, or that I could avoid doing for my next cycle? Any suggestions on the next cycle instead of the pre designed stack? Or anything I could take that would prevent the acne? I was taking vitamin B6 throughout the cycle as well.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: side affects
    on: 2016-05-18 03:48:11

    Not sure if you gave time, but you need to let test clear before you start PCT. Remember that for the next run. And yes, the clomid PCT was a smart plan. 

    Now let's move on to the Acme. Acne is caused by flux in hormones. This is a difficult one for guys that are prone to it. After the cycle, hormoens are all over the place and there is little you can do to control it. If your acne gets really bad, accutane is a good option. An antibiotic can help. If you use one, the best thing to do is to get a culture taken if the infection and they can better match what drug to use. This can be a short term solution for outbreaks. For what it's worth, I found that over time, I have gotten more used to gear and acne has gotten better overall.