1 timer ..gotta a couple ??s
on: 2016-06-05 07:13:03
30yr..177lbs.5'8...soo about 4-20-16 I started on a super test400 .5 ml/1st week.3/4/2nd and 1ml/3rd...well had a mishap and lost what I had..went about 3 weeks with nothing..them a friend handed me a bottle of cyp250 genza pharm...so I jumped on that twice a week 500mg/week..for the past two and a half weeks..then my order showed up of sust270&250 also some prop100..now ID like to cut the cyp out..my ? Is...can I lower my cyp as I introduced the sust??like .5ml of each the 3/4 sust 1/4 cyp??