Letro rebound follow up

  • Anonyjohn
    Letro rebound follow up
    on: 2016-06-08 05:23:00
    You were dead on. Had bloods done and estro was 209. High but not to cause the edema I had going on. Like you said, it was diet. Once I backed off my diet and cleaned it up like you suggested my sodium and water balanced back out. Now everything is perfect, and I feel like myself again! Thanks man.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Letro rebound follow up
    on: 2016-06-29 05:03:58

    Hey brohter, thanks for the great feedback, It is very rare that I actually get to hear back from someone to know for sure that they are now doing better, so this is a great message for me to see. In the future, I'm sure that you will avoid letting estrogen get that high adain and it sounds like you have learned a valuable lesson about the importance of clean foods. Take that knowledge with you and be the best you can on your next cycle! 


    thanks and have a great day brother