Low test high tren and tbol

  • Typicalbro
    Low test high tren and tbol
    on: 2016-06-18 01:34:28
    Hey man. Hope all is well. I've never asked you a question, but I've been very impressed by the time you have put into your answers on other questions. So, I've been on 500 test E around 12 weeks and 400 tren E for 8 weeks now. Last week I dropped my test to 325, and upped my tren to 600, I started taking tbol at 50mgs a day, and I plan to do that for 7 weeks. I started taking caber at .5 2x a week for the tren, other than that all products are geneza. I have a very physical demanding job... construction, and I am lifting 4 times a week. I'm hoping to get leaner for the summer, while making lean gains. I'm 5'8 at 203, I would probably be around 180 after a prep. I'm eating around 3200 calories daily. I'd rather give you too much information than too little... but what I'm asking you is, would you recommend anything else bro? Cardio? Arimidex? Different dosing? Your answer is much appreciated.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Low test high tren and tbol
    on: 2016-07-13 15:18:19

    Ok so here is my thought and I end up having to tell guys this all the time. Pick one direction, either cutting or growing. If you try to commit to both, you never really reach either goal to your full potential. If you focus on cutting, you should be able to still add some lean mass and you will certainly improve the quality of your muscle. The key is keeping protein high through the diet and eating as much fat and carbs as you can, while still losing fat. 

    Im not a big fan of the low test, high tren approach. Test is a great compound and a lot more safe than tren. I would use test as the base and then add in enough tren to make a good impact. So I ould have prefered to stay at 500mg on the test and then start with 200mg tren. Then evaulate as to how you were feeling, then added more if you could tolerate it. No reason to go any higher than 400mg of tren E. Its a really strong drug and if the test is higher, around 500mg, you will not need as much tren to get a good effect. Plus the less tren you can use, the better your labs will look and the faster you will be back to normal after the cycle. Looks like you are already well into this cycle, so take this as food for throught for the future. 

    Yes, I would still want to use adex. Adex is going to help control estrogen and ideally keep it in the low end of normal, making fat loss optimal. If you keep estrogen in check, you will be a lot less likely to have issues from progesterone or prolactin. Then if you still had issues from the tren, it would be ideal to add caber at that time. 

    And for sure I would use cardio for fat loss. In fact, I would still keep a small amount in on the off season too, just for the health of your heart. But for now, if your goal is to lose fat, I would start with just a little, lets say 25 min, 4x wk, using LISS. This way you can keep the food higher and still make fat loss progress. Then if needed, you can always add more cardio over time