I agree. Primo can have some side effects. You want to start low but it is an acceptable compound for girls and it is stronger than var. Remember that it builds up over time and if the effect gets too intense, it will also take time to redue in your system. So start low and wait a month before you decide to increase. It will take several weeks to build up in your system.
If you ever use winny, keey it low. 5 mg is enough. Ive talked to more than a handful of females that have had their voices change from winstrol. So just be advised.
As for taking first place, so much of that is going to come down to diet, then the drugs will help some. But get the conditioning down and thats what will win. So diet, then cardio, then fat burners, clen and T3 and if you have not used it, Nolvadex will make a bigger difference in condition than any steroid will for a female.
So here are some starting doses
Primo 50mg EW, split into 2 shots. Then you could go to 100mg after you know how it effects you. I find that it better for off season as it can lead to bloating for femlaes
Winstrol, I would stay at 5mg, then maybe go to 10mg .