Unless you have had any previous issues with tren, I would hold off on using the caber and only use it if you need it. Dont forget that each drug we take can have side effects, so I would want to take as few as possible. Personally, I have never needed caber and I have used my fair share of tren and deca over the years ;) . Not a bad idea to have it on hand, but I'd only use it if you need it. As long as estrogen is in balance, most everyone will do fine, and your dose of tren is low. If you have had some experience with gear and run several cycles, you could cut the the added prop out after 6 wks and go to 2cc of the andromix. BTW, you said "andromix (100mg/ml)". If you are using GP A-mix, it is 150mg/ml. So just to be clear, you are taking about using .5cc prop and 1cc a-mix. That is what I am assuming. So I would go from that to increasing to 2cc A-mix and then no need for the added prop. Or you could leave it the way you have it. That is totally fine too. There is no absolute way to run gear