The discription is an older out of date write up. You will get all sorts of info if you read the boards and look at some other older write ups. Proviron is basically an oral DHT. It is technically a steroid based drug and can slow recovery. I would suggest not using it while you are in PCT. As for the HCG you want to use it through the cycle, starting it when you can begin taking about 500iu, every 3 days and run it right up to the time you start PCT. It is like a primer, forcing the body to produce test, but your body needs to learn to do this without the HCG to have recovered. So the HCG will force the production to continue while you are on cycle and make the transition easier when you come off. You didnt mention the AI you will be using on cycle. I would go with adex at about .5mg EOD to 1mg EOD during teh cycle, then Clomid after the cycle is over, but dosed as your body needs to control estrogen.