Hello, you came to the right place. There is a ton of info out there, you are correct. Not all of it is great either. There is some good info, but just like anything on the net, you need to learn how to sift through it. I've helped 100s of people, if not more, with the exact situation you are talking about. So to start, at your age, your test levels may be starting to decline. The first thing I would do is go to your Dr and get some lab work done, testing all of your lab markers, like you would at a physical, making sure that you dont have any weakness, like liver or kidney problems. Something they do not test for at a physical though, is your testosterone levels. You want to know what your natural level is. That way, when you do go on cycle and shut yourself down, after you come off and get it back online, you will be able to know what to expect. If your level is low now, you might find that HRT is an option for you. At the least, you will know what "normal" is for you when you recover from your first cycle. Trust me. You will be kicking yourself down the road if you don't do it and you will always be wondering what your natural level was. Once you start a cycle, you'll never have that chance again to see what your level was, uneffected by gear. If you do not have insurace that will pay for this, here is a basic test you can order online and have filled at a local lab like Quest. Check out the top one for $66. http://www.privatemdlabs.com/lp/female-hormone-testing.php
So that being said, you've done your labs and you are a healthy 37 year old. I want you to understand that steroids will only work as well as your program. So the better your diet and training are, the more you will get out of them. If you wanted to really be your best and don't know exactly what it takes, you can hire someone that can help you. I offer coaching here though the Next Level Nutrtion page, here at Naps, if you are interested and along with weekly nutrition updates, I will also walk you through each week of your cycle. If not, thats cool too. Just make sure your plan is optimal. If you do it on your own, do a lot more reading and learning so you can be your best. Still, there is always a learning curve but as long as you are doing the best you can, you are better off than not having learned anything new. As for what gear you want to use, for a first cycle, it is a very easy choice. Testosterone is the only steroid you need to start. Many people report that their body, joints, etc feel much better and you can make HUGE progress with strength and muscle gains. I would just use this one steroid first, so that you can see how your body responds to it. If you use 2 or more steroids at once that all work in different ways, if a side effect does happen, you will not know what steroid is causing it. This will make it harder to know what you respond well to and make it harder to treat the side effect. So keep it simple. Here is how I would lay the cycle out. Assuming that your natrual test levels are good and that you are not going to go to HRT after the cycle, you want to come off and recover at the end of the cycle. So I am also going to explain what you want to use for PCT. To help wtih recovery, you can also use HCG. This is like a primer, keeping test production turned on while on cycle and it will also keep the testes from shrinking. You may not "need" HCG, but it will not hurt to add. And considering that as we age, it becomes harder to recover from a steroid cycle, it may be of extra value to you. So I am going to outline the cycle with HCG. It can be run longer, through the whole cycle, but I am writing it in, in a way that will allow you to buy 1x 50000iu bottle. For your gear, I would use either pharm grade or Geneza Pharm
Week 1-12
Test E or Cyp 500mg EW split into 2 shots a week
adex .5mg EOD. You may need more, but it is hard to say. Everyone is different. So it may be for instance, 1mg EOD
Week 10-14
HCG 500iu, 2x wk
2 wks after your last shot of test, Clomid at 100mg ED, then 14-21 more days at 50mg
And thats it. If you do use the HCG, make sure that you either buy the premixed version or get bacteriostatic water to mix it with. Bac water can be found all over the net for a few dollars a bottle. This will make it last longer than the sterile water that comes with the HCG
Hope this helps brother. Feel free to come back and ask more questions. Im always here to help. And spend some time reading through my QA. There are a lot of first timers here that have asked a lot of things that could benefit you