Ok so if you have nolvadex and clomid, here is what I would like to do. So HCG will not make you recover. What it does is forces your body to produce test, which is helpful when you are shut down. Think of it as a primer to get the engine to turn over, but it will not keep the engine running. Once the engine turns over, you need it to run on its own. While you are taking HCG, you are not acutally recovering. You are forcing the body to produce and improving teste size, but you have to stop HCG in order for real recovery to begin. So Heres what we do. Assuming you have 5000iu HCG, start taking 20mg nolvadex now and 1000iu HCG every 3 days. So you'll do this for about 2 wks and then run out of HCG. At that point, add in the clomid at 50mg ED. Continue on nolvadex 20mg and clomid at 50mg for 7 days. Then continue on just the clomid for 14-21 more days and then come off of it, done. This will give you a good boost from the HCG, getting your body to turn on natural production. The nolvadex will help to block any estrogen isuses that could arise while taking these large blasts of HCG. Then starting clomid for the official period of recovery. Best of luck!