The difference?

  • anonymous385
    The difference?
    on: 2016-10-29 16:48:36
    What's the difference between the HGH bottle tops? I noticed there is blue top grey top yellow top and it has a different syrum number by it but idk what it means to have a higher or lower syrum number? Also what kind of needles should I use for HGH?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: The difference?
    on: 2016-10-30 17:10:40

    I see you asked about the different color tops in another question today and I answered that there. The more GH you use, the higher the serum number would be, so they are posting syrum numbers to provide some data on how strong the GH is. So assume that a higher number could mean better GH. As for the needle, you want to use an insulin needle to inject. I use a 1/2cc, 1/2 inch, 29g insulin syringe. I prefer to do my GH shots via IM, into a tricep or delt,  but it can also be taken Sub Q