Test works from day one. It does build up over time and your levels will get higher after several weeks, but it is being metabolized from the time you take your first shot. By week 4, it will have built up. So I understand where you were going with that idea, but wanted to clear that up. Also, test alone will make you very strong over time. I would pick a dose and start with that dose otherwise when you increase the dose several weeks in, you will have to wait another several weeks to be at your new peak levels. It will slowly build over time. The dose you are considering, 250mg, is not going to raise your levels much. You could make some progress on it, Im sure. But look at it this way. You are shutting down your natiural production, only to replace it with the drug which at that dose, will pretty much do the same thing. It wont be to the very end of the cycle that your levels will be at their peak. We want to have supraphysiological levels as soon as possible. So 350mg would be the least I would suggest. 400-500mg from week one would be much better. And with this, I would start adex at .5mg EOD. This is not a high dose by any means but it will be enough to build up and show good results.
Next, so like I said, the test is working from day 1 but it will take time to let the ester build up. This is the main reason to use an oral kick start. Orals are very toxic and have many more side effects. T Bol is one of the worse compounds for cholesterol, for instance. So the way you have outlined the tbol in this cycle, the first 2 wks will be very minor. I would not expect to report much. Then you start the Tbol. Tbol and all orals are much faster to kick in and within a week, you will start to get a good effect. Ok so that brings us to wk 4. Now the tbol is showing a difference and the test is getting built up pretty well. Things should be good...but this is week 4. Why not start the Tbol at the start of the cycle, so that you can get your body growing faster. Then when you come off of it, you wil be able to continue making progress with the test. I would leave deca out. It is a pain in the ass to recover from and if you begin getting sides, you will want to know whats causing them and it will be hard to tell, running a few different compounds that you have no expereince with. Then down the road, you can add deca to a future cycle. For now, focus on learning how test works for you. And trust me, you can only grow so much, so fast. At your level of expereince, you will not see a difference in end resulting muscle, taking deca and you will regrete the whole thing when you see what low test feels like, once you come off and possibly suffer for months, trying to get natural production back to normal