I have seen clients get their girl pregnant while running big cycles, but any steroid can shut you down and make it harder to have kids, especailly when on cycle. Time off will help you return to normal. Clomid at 50-100mg ED and HCG at 250-500iu every 3 days would help when trying to have a baby. The only way to know for sure is to get a test done to check sperm count and mobility. If this is important to you, I would suggest not running cycles that are too long until after you are done having kids. I would also avoid deca and tren. 19 Nor's shut you down harder.
Very important to note, you didnt mention using test. Test should be at the base of any cycle. If you are not using test, you will evenutally feel pretty bad and suffer from the side effects of low test. 250mg cyp or Test e per week at the least.