For your first cycle, I would suggest using a single ester test. It will be easier to manage. I would go with test cyp or test e. They are both good and will be less painful than Sust, which contains prop. They will all work the same but these sinlge ester long ester tests will be less painful and have more stable blood levels (less sides). I would use Arimidex with it to product yourself from estrogen on cycle and then clomid post cycle. Here is how I would do it. You should make really good gains! Make sure you train hard and diet is great. They are the keys to progress with or without gear. When you go "on", your natural test shuts down so you want to only stay on for a controlled period. That way you can still easily recover. Remember, recovery is just as important as the muscle gains you make. Without your natural test levels, you cant maintain the gains you make
test e or cyp 500mg Ew split into 2 shots
adex .5mg to 1mg EOD as needed to control e on cycle
2 wks after last shot, 100mg clomid ED for 7 days. Then 50mg ED for 14 to 21 days