I would look into GH and BPC 157. These things can really help with recovery. With GH, I would suggest about 3iu a day, split into 2 doses. I'd get the best gh you can. Hyge is better than the generic color top gh IMO, but if they are too expensive, the cheaper will still work. If you went all the way to the US and EU pharm GH, I would use about 1.5 to 2iu a day for your goals. With the BPC157, I would suggest 250mcg taken 2x day, injected as close to the injury as possible. These 2 things should help a lot without messing up your HPTA. Some steroids like deca and var and eq will increase collagen too, but they wont promote repair like these peptides will. Plus, in order to use these steroids, you need to use test which can lower collagen production, so there is a balance that needs to be made. And you are shutting down your natural test production with them, which is going to create issues of its own. If you were already on HRT, I would suggest a small dose of EQ or deca, like 200mg, for a few months. And you could use this, but you are also going to need 250mg test and an AI and then you are going to have to recover from that. So use at your own risk and certainly go with the GH/BPC first and foremost