No stupid questions here. Maybe a couple I answered before a few times haha, but thats ok. I would rather you were afe going in and knew how to run the best cycle you can. So with your test, I would suggest breaking it into 2x wk shots, So 1cc on Mon and Thurs, for instance. Just split up so that your hormone levels are more stable. You can run the dbol at 30 mg. In fact, that is what I would suggest for a first cycle. Or the first few times, really. I think you will be able to make big progress with it, of course assuming that your diet is good. And you can run it for longer. 6 wks would be my personal suggestion. Really you could probably even go to 8 wks, but the best way to see where you're at, would be to get labs done. So lets say I am at 6 wks and I want to run an oral longer, I would get labs done at around week 5 to see what my cholesterol and liver values look like. But since you are new to gear, just stick with 6 wks. The main goal of the dbol is to get the cycle moving fast. By wk 6, the test will be in full effect. If you suffer from estrogen sides, which is a possibility especially with Dbol, you can up the adex. 1mg EOD, even 1mg ED if needed. Just try to use the least amount to keep the estrogen under control. A lot of people might need to go to 1mg EOD, just FYI. On the HCG, it depends on how much you have. You could go with 250iu, 2x wk starting at a point in the cycle when you can run it right up to PCT, stopping 3 days before your first dose of Nolvadex