Hey bro,, sorry for the delay here. We had technical issues with the QA. All is good now. In other good news, it looks like GP is back in stock. If you can get some more gear, it sounds like you have used more in the past. Personally I like to add an anabolic to my cycles, be it EQ or NPP or a smaller amount of both. But I like more than just test. Regardless, you can do just fine with this and you can take your dbol for longer than 4 wks. Of course, this is assuming health is good.I could see 40-50mg for 6 wks. On the test, I would probably opt for 500mg for longer thn 750mg for shorter. Heck, if you can get some NPP, I could see starting 300mg NPP for the last 8 wks. Just a thought but witht he reduced test, I think you would get more out of it than the 500mg test alone
As far as "hardening" up your gains, theres no such thing. I know you see people say stuff like this online, but it doesnt work that way. Some gear will add more water. Some will leave you drier, but muscle is muscle is muscle. You can look hard as nails if you do a cut using test or test/NPP like you will be at the end of this cycle. So its all about the diet. But really, look at your goals. Do you want to use this cycle to get leaner/harder looking or do you want to grow new muscle? It sounds like an off season cycle, so I would suggest just focusing on that and keeping the body fat low enough that when you do cut, you can get into great shape without a ton of work
So shameless plug time. If anyone is interested in help with your programing, reach out to me at the Next Level Nutrition page, here at Naps Gear. I have a light schedule for now and for the guys that want to be in good shape by spring, now is the time to start