question about blood pressure medice

  • Runner
    question about blood pressure medice
    on: 2016-11-27 09:53:42
    first I want say thank you for all the advice i have gotten from you on my gear and the AMAZING results i got last year from running Gp sus270 and dragon 300 EQ 12 cc of each 2x a week( total of 270mg of sust270and EQ300mg a week with 1/2-1 ameridex eod) I am a Obstacle racer, 1 year before that gear I ran a race climbing monkey bars,over under walls,sled pulls, 70lb sandbag carry for 3/4 of a mile on a course 10 kilometers long with 2700 feet of elevation gain {had A LOT OF HILLS}I done in 2 hours & 20 minutes, the next year on the exact same course after 10wks into my gear I completed it in 1 hour and 20 minutes coming in 6th place overall, YOUR GEAR AND ADVICE WAS GOLDEN,THANK YOU!!! I AM ABOUT TO DO THE SAME CYCLE AGAIN only difference is I will be using th GP blend of Test e 200/eq200 34 cc 2x a week for 12 question is this, I am genetically predisposed havinghigh bloodpressure both my parents had it, I docrossfit and run about25-30 miles a week with a resting heart rate in the mid40s Im in great shape justmy bp runs high so I take norvasc,which i took my last cycle and everything was ok,but since my last cycle my dr added Lisinopril 10mg to take also with the norvasc. I just wanted to ask if fromyour knowledge if that would be ok causing no negative sides. i am also considering taking 1/2 eod of aromasin instead of the ameridex because its stronger and I want no excess water at all. and I hear the aromasin is better for your blood lipid profile instead of ameridex. I take fish oil 3x a day niacin 500mg 1x a day to help keep my blood clean and smooth and for my joints.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: question about blood pressure medice
    on: 2017-01-11 03:08:05

    Hey brother, wow! Glad I could help .It sounds like you kicked some serious ass! Shaved off an hour haha? Sorry about the delayed response. We had tech issues with the QA. Anway, thats a great cycle for your goals. If you wanted to amp it up any further, a little anavar, maybe 30mg a day, for the last several weeks would help with the explosive movements and increased creatine retention while the EQ helps with the endurance. Just take it easy with the EQ/test blend. I am acutally using it right now and it's great, but it is higher mg/ml so treat it with respect. Dont double up on the shots or anything like that. It can be a lot of hormone in one site, quickly

    Anyway, on to your question. Honestly, I have not worked with anyone that was taking both Norvasc and Lisin but I can tell you that either of them on their own are no problem at all. I can't imagine that combining them would change anything. One is a calcium channel blocker. the other an ACE inhibitor. They are both great BP meds and if your Dr thinks that a combo is what is best for you, I can't imagine there being an issue using them with your gear. 

    Best of luck !!  Make the most of your gear, nutrition and training and lets see if you can shave off some more time. Maybe not another hour! haha, but I bet you can improve. Dont let yourself get too heavy from the gear and pay attention to mineral balance and how this and hydration effects your training. Feel free to come back and report how it goes! 


    For anyone interested in working with me on a nutritional program, please reach out to me at the Next Level Nutrition page, here at Naps Gear!!