Cut stack

  • anonymous231
    Cut stack
    on: 2016-12-01 06:09:47
    Im gonna be taking trenbalone acetate, drostanalone propionate, and testosterone propionate 2ml. How should i take this cycle.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Cut stack
    on: 2017-01-19 03:50:25

    Assuming this is the first thing you have used this cycle, I would start out with 1cc EOD for 3 wks and see how you respond. Then if you are doing well, increase to 2cc EOD. Be sure to rotate your sites, not injecting into a site more than once a week. And use arimidex to control estrogen, around 1mg EOD. I would run the cycle no longer than 10 wks then do a PCT