• Sting001
    on: 2016-12-07 22:46:04
    I am 6'2 currently 215 lbs and competed as an all natural bodybuilder. I'm preparing for a steroid alower contest. MY first cycle was Sus 250 and deca. I want to stay in the mass building phase so what can I take besides the Sus and deca?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Stack
    on: 2017-01-23 04:52:49

    Big jump going to untested shows. If you did well naturally, I am sure you will do even better with gear. I'd guess you are a natural at this. While in the off season, test is your best first option. Sounds like you understand that. Not as big of a deca fan but it sounds like you are doing ok with it. Its just hard to recover from. I would prefer EQ. So if you ahve taken time off to recover, I would consider an EQ cycle. If you want to keep the doses low like this, about 300mg test and 300mg EQ for 12-16 wks. This wont produce as much water as deca.