Scar tissue from repeated injections

  • Misanthropic91
    Scar tissue from repeated injections
    on: 2016-12-13 12:58:30
    HiI have been injecting in my quads/glutes mostly rotating them every week, but repeated injections have caused scar tissue to build up in both areas making subsequent injections extremely painful.Since you are an IFBB pro, i would assume you have ran into the same problem and have had to do something to get rid of it in order to be able to keep pinning?Theres not much information out there on scar tissue specifically from intramuscular injections, and the information that is out there suggests a wide range of quack treatments that are in no way properly supported by any scientific evidence.Hope you can share some wisdom on this issue that seems very overlooked in the underground steroid scene.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Scar tissue from repeated injections
    on: 2017-01-24 04:28:04

    Noting like the "snap, crackle and pop" of putting the pin in, is there ? This is super common. I have moved to 25g pins. This helps. ART , foam rolling and deep tissue massage helps. Using more sites also helps. I Had bad scar tissue in my delts and glutes a few years back. Over time, it gets better with time off. But even just 1x wk into a site has caused problems for me over time. So when I can, I have spread out my shots even more. Lats, quads, delts, Triceps and biceps. Even Rear delts. You cant use much in the smaller sites, so with a rear delt, I might put in 1cc at the most. Then end up using a couple smaller sites to get my daily shot in. Really to fix this, you will need time off of the site that is causing you the problem.