Advice on Test/Dbol/NPP

  • LuckyNote
    Advice on Test/Dbol/NPP
    on: 2017-01-15 01:07:33
    Hey man. So i made a question weeks ago about a cycle i wanted to run which was (Dbol, Test and Tren) and then i realized i was out of my mind lol So im definitely not going to run that one. Anyways Ive already did a cycle on i was 20. Short one and simple, it was Test prop at 400mg/week for 6 weeks. Aromasin for Ai and the standard pct. Was able to put on 6 kg with almost no fat and water retention and weighted at around 84 kg at 10% bf.Im 23 years old now and im at 79kg at 14%bf. Stopped training unfortunately but i want to get to get back on shape. I will be training natty for a year but im already thinking in cycling next year. I wanted some of your toughts on this cycle.1-12 week / Test Enenthate 500mg/week1- 4 week / Dbol 40mg ED1- 12 week / NPP 400 mg/ week1-12 week / Aromasin 12.5mg ED5-12 week/ HCG 500iu /weekCaber if needed.PCT after 2 weeks last shotNolva - 40mg/20mg/20mg/20mgAromasin - 12.5 mg EOD.If the diet is on point, how much KG can i expect to gain on average running this cycle?Is nolva only enough for pct?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Advice on Test/Dbol/NPP
    on: 2017-01-25 00:00:00

    It’s impossible to say what you can gain brother. How close you are to your genetic potential you are, the less you can gain so the harder. It also comes down to diet. 2 guys could do the same cycle that look totally different. Training is another factor. The guys who train the hardest, make the best progress. And remember, the scale isn't everything. I’ve seen some guys make great progress in their pics without much change in the scale. As for PCT, Nolvadex is fine. I find people get less sides from Nolvadex over Clomid. But I do think clomid works a little better for recovery