Natural Test doesn`t seem to be restarting.

  • Ff0311
    Natural Test doesn`t seem to be restarting.
    on: 2017-01-23 05:26:14
    Hello and thanks again for all you do here. I ran 500mg/w of Sust and 50mg /d Winstrol and 1mg/d anastrozol for 16 weeks. At the end of the cycle I took Clomid, nolva and anastrozol in line with the PCT stack available on this site. My natural test never seemed to rebound and libido, energy, mood, appetite all dipped significantly.I started cruising and started feeling normally with maybe some slightly increased libido. Did that for around 10 weeks. Also my testicles shrunk considerably. I’ve stopped cruising and started the full Basic PCT stack from the site. I’m 2 and half weeks through the five week protocol. Testicles size has returned some but not all the way and I’m starting to feel rundown like before. My plan is to finish the PCT stack and see where I’m at. I’m 38 and done having kids. I’m not apposed to HRT but I would like my testicle size to return and I would prefere to get my natural production back. Do you have any advise on how to proceed if my natural test doesn’t come back after this PCT? I’d like to try another drug protocol before I just resign myself to HRTThanks again.
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Natural Test doesn`t seem to be restarting.
    on: 2017-02-04 00:00:00

    I would start HCG. 500iu 2x wk and see if that starts to reverse the shrinkage. You want them to be as full as you can. They are producing your test If you have bigger balls, you produce more test. If you run out of your PCT while doing the HCG, I would get some clomid and run 50mg every day along with the HCG 2x wk. Run the HCG for 4 weeks at this dose. If you don't feel good by the end, you can try to increase the HCG to 750iu  toward the end, in the last few shots before you come off of it.