anavar for women

  • bryan061975
    anavar for women
    on: 2017-05-12 20:32:42
    My girl is 35 she about 160 she so to say the booty type since we met and she has stopped the party drinking life has worked out with me. She is down to a good 150 booty type woman not skinny as a rail not fat.. She has just ordered some anavar . Her goals are to get tighter, leaner more defined. Will anavar alone be enough? Also do woman need pct and what is suggested.. ANd thanks in advance for keeping us all on the up and up!
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: anavar for women
    on: 2017-05-26 00:00:00

    Anavar is a steroid and its main purpose is to grow new muscle or support muscle while dieting. This will work very good for growing. She needs to understand though that the diet and cardio are the key still. If she wants to get leaner, she will still have to diet it off. If she wants to speed that up, she can add clenbuterol.As mentioned in other posts, 20mcg a day taken in the morning when waking. Then every 2 wks add 20 mcg, so down the road 40, then in 2 wks, 60mcg. Etc. For the var, I would start with 5mg and increase over time, possibly to 10 if she likes. I would run the var for 8 wks tops, then 8 wks off