first, i would talk to your trainer and tell him what your goals are. if he isn't helping you reach them, it might be time to shop around for a new trainer. reaching sub 10% is no easy goal. you obviously are working. getting to contest shape, totally ripped, is another animal. the main goal of a steriod is going to be to help you hold onto to lean muscle, as you diet down. this is especially important for big guys, who have a lot of muscle, especially guys who have surpassed their generic limit bulking on AAS. the steroid isnt going to get you ripped. that will come with diet and cardio. if you aren't getting leaner, your diet needs work. from there, if you want chemical help, i would look into a fat burner, like clen. this will help you burn more than you would be able to do naturally. if you really wanted to get your feet wet with anavar, 50mg a day for 6-8 wks followed by PCT would work. you should spend some time reading up on gear so you know as much as you can about what you're getting into. for men, an anavar cycle (or oral cycle in general) really isn't a great idea, as you'll see as you reseach, but if you wanted to go this route, thats how i would run it. for females, choices of gear is more limited and it makes more sense.
personally, i would suggest holding off on using steriods until you have finsihed this diet and then, if you want to use, consider a simple test only 250mg-500mg wk cycle for 10-12 wks, during your next muscle gaining phase. you can use this time to reseach testosterone, its effects, possible sides and how to combat those sides. using injectables is safer in the long run than using orals. orals are best used in conjunction with a test base and because they are liver toxic, you will need to cut out all of the booze!