
  • anonymous489
    on: 2017-06-15 01:38:30
    When taking 1000mg of equipoise should you take an aspirin each day to keep your blood from getting too thick?
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Aspirin
    on: 2017-06-30 00:00:00

    Hey brother, your best course of action is to make sure that your red blood count, hemoglobin and hematocrit is in range before you start. If it isn't in check, donate a pint of blood before starting. If you are in the normal range before starting the cycle, you could wait to donate until mid cycle. That will bring numbers right back down as well as get rid of heavy metal toxins. Just an FYI though, if your numbers go out of range, you can’t donate without a script from your Dr. The Red Cross wont take your blood. Aspirin will thin your blood but it wont reduce hematocrit. It wont hurt to take and it will help you to avoid stroke but unfortunately it isn't a remedy.