Before I Worte the QA here, I was a customer. I do this QA because I believe in the company and what they are doing. They’ve been around for a long time and thats for a reason. You see a lot of sources come and go. Naps wouldn't be around this long if they sold gear that wasn’t high quality, you know? I know that Geneza seems to be somewhat out of stock right now but thats a lot of what I have used.I have seen my clients use many of the brands and we have always gotten the results we want. Vermodje, Dragon and Biomex are some of the ones they have used more often. If you want to go pharm grade, check out the pharma amps they carry. I honestly don't meant this to sound like a sales pitch but its hard to express my thoughts on this topic without it coming off that way. For the guys in EU, they’ve added 4 new labs that are shipped from EU, making that even easier to get. Best of luck brother. Im sure you will do well with whatever lab you go with.