Hey brother, theres a lot for me to say here. Probably more than I can write in one reply. For starters, I want to make sure yo understand that steroids and PEDs are only going to help push a working program that much further. The guys that are in good shape using gear would still be in good shape without it. The gear just helps to take you that much further. I work with a lot of athletes that compete on the bodybuilding stage. I can say that at least 85% of it is the diet when it comes to getting into shape. Then the cardio is a few % and the drugs are a few %. So your biggest problem is that you haven't figured out what it takes to get you in shape yet. Everyone is different and requires a different style of diet to get there. I’m truly not saying this as a self promotion, but if you cant figure it out on your own, you would be best served to hire a good coach. Then from there, the extras will take you that much further and that much faster. Otherwise, you may see a little progress with drugs but they will just be a bandaid for a poor plan and once you stop using them, things will fall apart. So thats step one. Next thing is to understand that steroids will help to build muscle and indirectly you may lose some fat since more nutrition will be going toward your muscle. But in general, steroids are not really great for fat loss. They are GREAT for building muscle and they do that very well, one again, in the right nutritional environment. A long acting test, Test Cyp or Test E would be a good place to start. 500mgEW with arimidex at .5mg to 1mg EOD. You would want to use this for a longer period, like 10-12 wks. For the last 6 wks, you could add oral winstrol at 50mg ED to get a drier and harder look. Then for fat burning, I would suggest clenbuterol. Starting with 20mcg ED and increasing to 40 after 2 wks. Then 60 after 2 more wks, then 80, etc, going no higher than 120mcg and coming off after the test cycle is over. You will want to pick up some Clomid and run a solid PCT. If all of this sounds like more than you want to start with, just start with the clen only and do the anabolic cycle down the road when you are more prepared. If you want to talk about nutrition services, you can contact me through the Next Level Nutrition page, here at Naps Gear. And feel free to readh out with more questions as needed. Also, you can read through the previous answers to better educate yourself on what you’re planning to do Best of luck!