At your age, you should get a really nice benefit from gh. I would suggest starting a little lower just to see how you do and you can always move up. Some get joint stiffness and carpel tunnel. This is more likely to happen when the dose is higher. I really do like that dose, 5iu, but less can work. IMO the longer you can take it the better, so if your budget is 5iu for a few months, maybe go to 4iu and extend it. If you can stick to 5, like what you are seeing and can afford to, I would continue to stay on long term. 6 months or a year, or you can do what I do and not come off of it. I consider it part of my HRT year round. As for the wife, I would suggest 2iu for her and the same thing, run it long term if possible. She will see more anti aging benefits with time.