First of all, I wouldn't increase drugs when you are getting side effects from them. If anything I would lower them or stop. You have your whole life to reach your goals. Make sure you take care of your health first. I would prefer your adex over arom. I find that it just works better in most people, especially when you want to keep estrogen very low. In this case, I would even get letro. My thought would be that if you have irritated the gland, I would eradicate estrogen as much as possible, try to shrink the tissue and then get back to focusing on growing. 2.5mg letro ED for a couple weeks. It will slowly build up and you will probably not feel great when estrogen is tanked but its better than having gyno. I cant promise it will work but if you catch it early there is a chance it will help. From there, I would taper off letro to avoid rebound. 2.5 EOD for a few days. Then 1.25 EOD. Then you could switch back to adex and dose as needed