Hey buddy, great questions here. I can see that you have been reading and educating yourself. Also, I want to say congrats on the 25 lb fat loss so far. You are well on your way. I’m rooting for you and happy I can help. Remember the main key to a diet is the length of time you diet. Ive seen clients lose even double the amount of fat you want to lose, so first know that this can be done! You can do this. Just understand it will take time. For this reason, I would suggest a longer term plan that doesn't include steroids the whole time. Steroids shut down your own test as you probably know, so you want to limit the amount of time you are on. For this reason, you want to put some planning into when you cycle. This way, you’re not on steroids for too long. Stay with me and this will all make sense once you’ve read the whole thing. If not, come back and ask for clarification. First get some blood work to ensure your hormones are in check and to also know your baseline Then when you come off, you’ll know what normal is supposed to look like compared to what your levels look like after the cycle. So lets talk t3 and clen first. Yes, these are 2 of the best fat burners you can get your hands on and I have seen them used safely by tons of people. Clen can be used on its own T3 at a low dose can be used on its own but understand it can burn both fat and muscle, so its better to use while on a steroid. The main purpose of a steroid while dieting is to help maintain muscle in a deficit. With the amount of fat you have to lose, you can go awhile without using steroids and not need to worry about muscle loss. Start out with just clen. 20mcg every day. After 2 wks, increase to 40. After 2 wks increase to 60,You can continue doing this until you get to 120 mcg. Go no higher than that and after 2 wks come off.You don't have to use anything more than this if you don't want to and you can cycle off and on clen to keep getting leaner. Just take some time off after one of these long clen cycles. Once you are at around 205 lbs (so 15 more lbs), you could start Test E at 350 to 400mg EW, split into 2 doses. Also use arimidex at 1mg EOD. This will control estrogen and control water. No need to use painful prop. Split the test up into 2 shots. Along with this, add T3 at 25mcg taken first thing in the AM, If you can do AM fasted cardio, take your clen and your T3 before cardio. Really you can stay at this dose as you continue to diet and do fine. If you feel you need more, you can add a second dose of 12.5mcg 8 hours later. Run the test, adex and t3 for no longer than 12 wks. At this point you want to come off and do a PCT. So all in all, you will have a period of just clen. Then a period of test, adex, t3 and clen. Then after you are on clen for the time mentioned you’ll be off that and just using the other compounds. You should be able to do really well. One side note, when you go on test, your scale weight loss is going to stall Wieght will go up, So you will have to rely on the mirror. Your end result may not actually be 180 lbs because you will gain muscle in the process. All I ask is that you do one thing. Come back and tell me when you reached your goals