Doing this wrong?

  • anonymous811
    Doing this wrong?
    on: 2018-07-23 17:05:37
    Hello I'm bout sure if doing this right or not!! I'm on a cycle right now which I'm taking 1cc of sust 250 and 1 tren e 200 every mon Thursday w 50 mcg of oral winnie will this work
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Doing this wrong?
    on: 2018-07-31 10:09:56

    yes sir, this is an advanced cycle and will work well. The only thing I don't hear about here is your AI I assume you are using adex or something similar. With the tren that can be a strong compound with many sides If you start to feel angry, get insomnia, feel “off”, this is the tren. You can always decrease if you feel sides. Really, even 200mg total per week would have been plenty. Just remember that cycling all comes down to diet cardio and training. If these things are in order, you are going to get some exciting results