Sudden headaches working out on gear

  • Santacruzcali
    Sudden headaches working out on gear
    on: 2018-08-29 08:08:18
    Hi thank you for your time , LOVE NAPSGEAR...ok so im on 60mg dbol a day plan is 6 week front load and 500mg test a week 2 pins adex eod .5....i have noticed a great improvment in the gym regaurding what i can do and weight i can use however suddenly certain excersizes that are especially strenuous ..example lots of pull ups or triple drop set bulgarian split squats ..cause a sudden bad headache and muscles all in my neck and head to tense up and my head just throbs for a few min hindering my workout...what is causing this am i over doing it with my new ability to go further its only caused by certain intense excersizes like ones stated and it really ruins my workout i still get it done but my head hurts and its distracting thanks for ur thoughts...maybey not enough water? Exertion headache? Idk
  • IFBB Undercover
    Re: Sudden headaches working out on gear
    on: 2018-09-04 09:28:43

    I can think of two possible causes. 1 being blood pressure. Dbol will greatly increase water weight and this can cause high BP. Then strenuous exercise could be pushing it up even further causing a headache, which can be a sign of high BP. Make sure BP is good. If it isn’t, see your Dr ASAP. lisinopril is a great med. I use it year round at a low dose and especially make sure I’m using it while on Dbol or Tren. Other thought is a tension headache. This is also possible. Being on gear, you may be pushing even harder than normal and this is causing a tension headache. I would check BP first and make sure this is not the case.