Hey “Old Man” haha, thanks for writing in. The pellet situation doesn't sound like a lot of fun. 200mg is a good place to start. Test cyp is standard for TRT. Test E will work as well. If needed you can increase. I have seen dosing of 350mg a week for HRT. I would be sure to have adex in the plan to maintain normal levels of estrogen. If you don't want to get your labs done by your Dr, you can go through private lab testing on line, google Private MD labs or Direct Labs. As for GH, yes sir, at your level this would be of benefit to you as well for quality of life, recovery in the gym and youthful cosmetic effects. Really all the test brands are good as far as I have seen from Naps. I have used a lot of Geneza but I see they are somewhat out of stock for now. Basically though, Naps has been around a long time and doesn't mess around with low quality brands that would effect their rep. On GH, its all about what you can afford. Of course if you can afford pharm brands, thats the best but even the generics will give a good effect maybe dosed a little higher. 2iu for pharm, 3iu for generic.